Monday, July 18, 2011

How to Build Brand Loyalty with Facebook and other Social Media

To truly create a strong emotional connection with your customers, you have to give them good experiences that make them feel special. After all, a brand is is simply a sum of every positive and negative experience a customer has with your business.

For many high prestige brands, stroking a customer's ego is never a bad thing. Tiffany & Co., the legendary jeweler, allows loyal customers access to a back vault stocked with highly exclusive merchandise not available to the general public.

These sorts of loyalty programs can extend to Facebook with the "closed group" feature where membership is by invitation only. Here, you can pamper your most die-hard fans with special deals and early access to new products. Obviously, the feeling of being part of an exclusive group, can make the 2% of customers who drive 80% of sales, feel very special.

This is excellent for companies who are selling a revolutionary new technology that only a small segment has bought into. Reward these first supporters and they will reward you.

Although the closed nature detracts from direct online sharing, word-of-mouth in the real world will be strong, as your proud brand advocates boast about their membership in this group.

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